如果您正在寻找一种结合聚焦性、功率稳定性和效率来完成雕刻工作的方法,那么高功率激光切割机可能是您的最佳选择。随着 cnc 光纤激光切割机不
The maximum laser power of your laser machine affects both the quality of your products and the working time. For laser engraving applications, you can achieve good results with laser power between 25-80 watts. For applications that require high precision and efficiency, we would recommend a laser power greater than 80 watts. In this article, we will introduce laser cutting machine for aluminum, metal with diverse laser power and what thickness and size of the cutting plate or pipe can cut with machines: &nbs
With the rapid development of laser sheet cutting machine technology and the gradual intensification of competition, more and more high-power cnc metal sheet cutting machine have been developed. The available laser power can reach 30000w or higher, and it is possible to cut sheets with a thickness of 1 mm or even 100 mm thick. In this post, we will walk through the maximum thickness that the most often used fiber cutting machine with different laser wattage can cut. 1. 4kw Laser Cutt
海目星激光是中国最大的光纤激光切割机制造商之一,是新能源汽车、消费电子和金属加工行业自动化系统的领先制造商。在本文中,我们将介绍钣金激光切割设备如何服务于新能源汽车行业。极片生产工序是锂离子电池制造的基础,对极片制造设备的性能、精度、稳定性、自动化水平、生产效率等要求较高。为满足车规级动力电池设备的要求,海目星激光不断迭代创新产品。光纤切割机主要面临两大技术难点,一是R角的冲孔与切割的精准对位,二是从连续运动到间歇运动的转换。海目星提出视觉定位检测,此方法降低了材料波动的影响,定位精度高。另外正极切割方式可以使切割材料的刀口圆润,降低小碰撞、材料掉落的风险。针对粉尘问题,海目星光纤激光数控机采用高效除尘技术,涵盖激光台除尘、气刀除尘、静电除尘。海目星的视觉定位功能,是利用机器上安装的CCD相机发挥作用,通过运动控制系统,利用Mark点建立坐标关系,优化加工,通过视觉加工定位,实现加工优化,启用双工位后,操作人员设置切割文件后,即可交换工作台进行旋转切割,视觉定位功能有效提高切割精度,提高切割质量和效率。 中国金属切割机销售海目星激光作为金属激光切割机生产厂家之一,2015年开始涉足光纤激光切割机领域,获得主流客户的高度认可